Fishing Bear Lodge Alaska
Worley Bugger Fly Co-

The state of Alaska is known as the last frontier and for good reason.  Once you step foot into the outback, bush country, you can see why it is so rightly nick-named.  The beauty, solitude and the absence of modern day civilization restores your inner being and leaves a lasting impression on you forever.

The Fishing Bear Lodge is strategically placed inside the nation's largest national park, the Wood Tikchik State Park, which encompasses a vast area of the Bristol Bay region of Alaska.  Hailed as the "Jewel Of Alaska," this remote park is comprised of over 1.6 million acres of incredible mountainous terrain, unbelievable beauty and some of the finest fly fishing, you will find anywhere in the world.  The park is home to many incredible rivers, streams and lake systems that spawn several different species of trout, grayling, char, salmon and Northern Pike. 


Fishing Bear Lodge Alaska-Wood Tikchik State Park 

If you are fortunate enough to have visited this remote area of Alaska, then you know exactly what I am talking about.  This has to be one of the last, best pristine places remaining on the planet.  A bold statement perhaps, but one that I would convey time and time again in conversation with fellow fly fishing travelers.  Having visited this remote area of Bristol Bay, Alaska in both the summer of 2018 and 2019, I can surely attest to the statement.  The overal beauty of the park leaves you feeling refreshed and mezmerized at the same time.  It has quickly become one of my favorite places in the world to spend time fly fishing.

Getting to the Fishing Bear Lodge is half of the fun itself, even in this day of air travel.  The first leg of the journey you will need to depart from the closet international airport in your area.  The WBFC hosts will be leaving on a direct flight from Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle. Here, you will travel to the city of Anchorage, Alaska.  Once you have landed at the Ted Stevens International Airport in Anchorage, you will disembark the aircraft and join the WBFC group at the Penn Air Gate, where we will travel together on the next leg of the journey.  Penn Air is a small subsiderary of Alaska Airlines that operates aircraft into other cities in Alaska. The second flight is a short trip to the small town of Dillingham, Alaska. 

Upon the groups arrival in Dillingham, the staff of the Beaver Creek Bed & Breakfast, where we will be staying for the night, will meet us and taxi the Fishing Bear-WBFC group to their comfortable abode, just on the outskirts of this tiny fishing village.  In the morning, after refueling with a good breakfast and a strong cup of joe, we will be taxied to the waterport in Dillingham, where two float planes we be waiting for us to board.  Tikchik Adventures will transport us safely on float planes to the Fishing Bear Lodge, which is an approximate 30 minute, scenic flight, where bears, moose and other wildlife can be spotted from the air.

As soon as we hit the beach at the Fishing Bear, the guides and staff greet us with a renewed energy and a friendly Alaska style enthusiasm.  The staff has been hard at it with guests since May, but they will impress you with their non stop work ethic and tentative nature. Our group will settle into the cozy, comfortable cabins, unpack for the week and fishing will begin shortly after a hearty lunch is served by the kitchen staff. 

It is a gaurantee that you will eat well during your stay at Fishing Bear Lodge.  Each night, the camp cook will prepare a delicious dinner served in the main lodge.  If your a breakfast eater, there is an array of banquet foods to fuel you for a full day of fly fishing in the bush.  Lunches are nourishing, brown bagged sandwiches and sides, severed on the water at your fishing location.

Eating Good At Fishing Bear Lodge Is Always Priority

We will spend the week traveling by jet boat to our remote fishing locations. Distances to these fishing locations will vary each day and can depend on water and weather conditons.  As an outfitter with over two decades of experience myself, I have watched as lodge owner and head guide, Justin Johns discusses the daily fishing options with each group beforehand.  Justin and his entire staff interact and communicate well with each person in the group and listen to their fishing aspirations. The fishing goals as well as the safety of each guest is always a top priority for the staff at Fishing Bear.  This is remote bush country and the nearest medical facilities are hours away.

During the week at Fishing Bear, we will fly fish and cast to giant rainbows, Artic Char, Artic Grayling, Northern Pike and Sockeye Salmon if you wish. Fishing dreams really do come true at Fishing Bear!

The groups' options for the day are unlimited, as you will be fishing the most diverse freshwater system of rivers, lakes and streams in all of Alaska!  Once we arrive at Fishing Bear Lodge, daily fly-outs are not required, unlike other lodges in the area that charge twice or three times the amount for a weeks fishing.  So everyday is a fishing day, regardless of the weather.

You even have great fishing within 100 feet of your waterfront guest cabin, where the Peace River and Lake Beverly collide.  This is dry fly fishing heaven and most of the week, we will be presenting an assortment of dry flies to some of the largest trout and grayling in the entire Alaska system.  It is a dry fly fishermen's paradise and a true Alaska experience!

Their are several rivers and smaller streams within the "Jewel" of Alaska surrounding the Fishing Bear Lodge that you will get to experience during your weeks fishing stay.  The Wind, Peace, the Kulick, Uno Creek, the Grant and everyone's favorite the "Agulukpak" River are just a few of the popular places where we will venture.  All of these river systems produce fantastic fly fishing and are especially good with dry flies.  Many of your favorites that work well in the lower forty eight are top producers in this area of Alaska as well.  The Adam's, Purple Haze, Elk Hair Caddis, X-Caddis, Stimulator and many foam body style flies will bring trout and grayling over twenty inches to the surface, repeatedly.  Skating mouse patterns across the riffles and boulder fields will bring violent attacks and strikes from big rainbows.

The Agulukpak or AKA "The Pak" is legendary among Alaska fly fishermen and chances are, you will have your shot at some of the largest rainbows you have ever brought to a fly.  At this time, the average rainbow here is 20 inches, with fish easily surpassing this mark.  Landing them is a true angling challenage as many will take you well into your reel backing; perhaps multiple times before surcoming to the net.  On average, it takes about 10 minutes to land a trout from the "Pak".  Their strength and energy levels are incrediable, tallied with the steep incline of big currents and boulder fields of the river.  The Agulukpak River Rainbows create an angling challenage that will test even the best fly fishermen. 

The "Pak" is a short, wide river, measuring a distance over ground of less then two miles.  It has steep, gradient flow that moves freely between Lake Beverly and Lake Nerka.  The fish population and density would astound you in this short distance, as fish move between both lakes following Sockeye Salmon on their migration routes to the spawning grounds.  A wading staff and a studded wading boot is highly recommended here, if you want to fish away from the boat.  The rock is slick, large and challenging to traverse.  Of course, fishing from the boat is always an option here and the guides will put you in the best possible fishing water throughout the day.  Also, remember felt wading boots are not allowed in the state of Alaska, so a studded boot is essential for walking the rivers and streams during the week in the remote bush country.

The "Pak" is approximately a 45 minute boat ride across Lake Beverly from the Fishing Bear Lodge.  Many times, if the weather and water conditions prove benificial, the boat ride can be split up with some challenging and diverse fishing for the apex predator, the Northern Pike.  Casting large style baitfish streamers and top water poppers in many of the sloughs adjecent to Lake Beverly hold good numbers of these fierce fresh water marauders and sight fishing for them with a fly rod, is a thrill like no other.  Northern Pike over 40 inches are common in this area of Alaska.

North of the Fishing Bear Lodge, lies the Peace and Wind Rivers as well as the Kulick Basin.  This is a breath taking, spectular visionary treat for the day, traveling by jet boat to this remote location.  Here, the jagged mountains split the sky and their steep, rugged architecture create a picturesque backdrop that leaves you in awe.  The rugged nature of these mountains is dotted with an array of particular Alaskan Pine and other sinewy vegetation that could only survive at these altitudes and seasonal climate changes. 

The Peace River holds some beautiful Artic Grayling and some absolute toad Rainbows, that will match skill sets with even the best of anglers.  It is a much slower pace than the Agulukpak, with longer slower runs and even substraight that is easier to travese as well.  There is very good dry fly fishing here, but don't forget your nymph box either.  Small nymphs like Pheasant Tails, Prince, Hare's Ear and Lightning Bugs work especially well around the boulder patches and soft pockets.

The Wind River is a faster moving piece of water, with more confined spaces and a much smaller width than the others.  It has big deep pools at the headwaters, which is a popular place for Artic Char to congragate in.  A sinking tip and sculpin imatation will work wonders in these types of situations and Char are fast, beautiful hard fighting fish.  They tend to pod in great numbers, so where you find one, the numbers may be endless.

Kulick Creek is an intimate, beautiful little place that everyone in the group will experience at least once during the week.  Grayling over twenty inches are common place here and dry fly fishing rules the day. This is an easy walking, small stream with simple sub straight made up of small river rock cobble and hard sand.  Here, you can walk the banks and sight fish for large Grayling and pick one off at a time with your favorite dry flies. Big Rainbows will also be lurking in Kulick as several species of Salmon, use the creek this time of year for spawning.  Egg patterns or beads will work well for these protien hunters that are there to feast on the bounty of salmon eggs that are being deposited by adult spawners.


The Kulick Basin as well as the mouth of Grant Creek is home to Northern Pike.  The fishing proximity will depend on the water conditions during the month of August and where we will find these toothy critters holding.  If water conditions are above normal for this time of year, Northern Pike will take advantage of the higher water enviroment and will hold up in the sloughs and back waters of Lake Kulick.  Weed points, drop offs and ambush structure are all ideal points of interest, for these apex predators and the Kulick holds all of these ideal configurations.

If water conditions are normal or below normal in August, the sloughs will be dry or will be holding miniumum amounts of water.  Large Pike won't be here, but they will be on the exterior where they can ambush smaller pike and baitfish as they move with water conditions.  If this is the case, we can walk the hard, small cobble sub straight of Lake Kulick and strip flies.  We can also target these fast, furious predators from the boat and work the deep weed beds surrounding the edges.  This is a fun and exciting game fish to pursue with flies and just about every angler that has traveled to the Fishing Bear with WBFC has found it an exciting and visual treat to fly fish for Northern Pike.  Pike over 40 inches are common in the Kulick Basin.


During your week at Fishing Bear, you will have the pleasure to experience most or all of these streams and lake systems. You will find incredible, beautiful fishing as well as strong and challenging game fish.  Most of these fish have never seen a fly, which makes them less complicated to hook, but landing them will require an energy level and a certain amount of angling skill level; one that will have you smiling with memories for months after your return to the lower forty eight.

The fly fishing program is simple and straight forward at the Fishing Bear Lodge.  It is a laid back program for the guests and when you return from the adventure, you will feel renewed with energy.  Not all vacations can claim that.  Some vacations are more like work and require a week or more of recovery upon your return to the working world.  At Fishing Bear, the lifestyle and fishing style is slow paced and designed to be fun, challenging and exciting. After all, this is a fishing vacation!  Also, this is the bush country of Alaska in the midst of summer.  The days are long here and sunlight is plentiful.  There are only a few hours of darkness this time of year. The benefit of being transported on jet boats each day from the lodge to our fishing spots, saves precious time with no constraints or unruly schedule.  Other lodges in the area are on a more regimented and dictated schedule because of flight times to the fishing, as well as aligning meal times with all of the guests.

If you need an extra hour of rest to catch up from the previous days fishing, no problem.  The much slower pace and easy going lifestyle is exhilarating and refreshing.  Don't get me wrong, you will fish hard and be tired at the end of the day, but you will have plenty of time to recharge your batteries and refuel with excellent dinner meals at the end of the day.

The Fly Fishing Program At Fishing Bear Lodge

Most trout fish species within the park, can be tackled with a five (590) weight rod. However, I would recommend a six (690) weight rod in 9 foot lengths.  The added power from the heaver weight rod allows you the extra strength you may need to fight and land the bigger trout and char.  You don't want to be undergunned if you're taken by surprise with the fish of a lifetime.  These fish don't just lay over and come in once they are hooked.  They will test your skills, energy levels and your equipment. 

A four (4) weight rod in nine foot lengths can be ideal for the Grayling dry fly fishing.  Though the fish that measure over the twenty inch mark are broad bodied and can also be diffucult to put to hand with a lighter weight fly rod.

For casting large style streamer flies for Northern Pike, an eight (890) or nine (990) weight fly rod is best.  Northern Pike aren't known for their blistering runs or height jumping leaps through the air like Pacific Northwest Steelhead.  However, if you tangle with a Northern over forty (40) inches, it will test the structural integrity of your equipment without a doubt.  I have personally landed Northern Pike in the Kulick Basin over forty and topping the scale just under twenty pounds.  Fly fishing for Northern Pike is a true visual event and can be some of the funnest fishing of the trip. Watching a large fish, engulf a six inch or better fly is something every fly fishermen should experience at least once in their fishing career.

The Fishing Bear Lodge Accomadotions 

Fishing Bear Lodge is located in the outback post of Alaska in the middle of the largest national park in the United States.  The operation is small, but well run, maintained, comfortable and clean. Each week during the fishing season, Fishing Bear welcomes a maximum of eight (8) anglers.

Each guest is required to share a cabin with another guest.  The cabins are comfortable with padded cots, pillows, warm blankets and sleeping bags.  Power is supplied to each cabin, when the camp's main generator is operating.  Sliding windows on both sides of the cabin are added as well and can be opened for venalation on warm nights.  The cabins are also set up for those with sleeping CPAP machine outlets and charging requirements for those that require it.  There is limited cellphone service here. However, text messages and email can be sent from the camp daily.

The Fishing Bear Lodge Guest Cabins

There is storage for your clothing and gear for the week, as well as a small front deck for wader and boot removal at the end of the day.  Many guests just enjoy sitting here in the evening and listening to the audible sounds of the Alaskan bush.  Water is supplied daily in each cabin.  Each cabin also has an electric heater if needed.

The camp has flushable tiolets and sinks as well as three (3) hot shower stalls for the morning or after a long day of fishing.  There is no doubt that you will be comfortable during your weeks stay at Fishing Bear Lodge.

2020 Rates-The rates and details for Fishing Bear Lodge-Alaska in 2020 are as follows:

Six days & nights fly fishing package - $4,250 per person based on double occupancy

Included: Accommodations and meals at the lodge, guided fishing, airport meet and greet in Dillingham, ground transportation in Dillingham, gear if needed

Not Included: Round trip airfare to Dillingham, round trip float plane flight from Dillingham to lodge ($500 per person), accommodations and meals in Dillingham, alcohol, staff and guide gratuities, fishing license, towel.-Waders, boots and raingear.  Dillingham, Alaska is a dry town (no alcohol) on Sundays.

Additional Costs: An overnight at the B&B upon your arrival in Dillingham Sunday night ($140.00 per person)

WBFC is pleased and excited to announce our upcoming August 2020 hosted fly fishing adventure to Fishing Bear Lodge in Alaska for eight lucky traveling adventurers.  We invite you to join us on this exciting, lifetime adventure to the "Last Frontier" of Alaska's beautiful Bristol Bay region.


Total Fishing Spaces Left Available: Eight (8)

Please contact WBFC at the proshop in Ellensburg @ 509-962-2033 to reserve your spot with us at Fishing Bear Lodge in August of 2020.  You can email us for any further information you may need as well.

You can download the entire PDF 2020 intinerary at the link below for further detailed information on the Fishing Bear Lodge August 2020 hosted fly fishing trip at the link below.

The WBFC hosts for the Fishing Bear Lodge adventure, Steve Worley and Aron Larsen will entertain a meet and greet for the group at the WBFC Pro-Shop in Ellensburg in the spring of 2020.  Here, they will go over the itineray and the events leading up to our depature to Fishing Bear.  We will discuss gear, flies, and all of the particulars during the meet and greet.  If you have any questions before hand, please feel free to contact them at the proshop and they will be happy to address any that you may have.


It was indeed an epic adventure for me.  Some of the largest fish I've ever brought to the net.  Where can you go and successfully fish for four species of fish in one day.  I did hook a Sockeye, but thankfully I shook it off.  There were a couple rainbows I wish I could have seen but they had other ideas. Way into the backing but I couldn't turn them.   Jared was getting a bit frustrated with me and said maybe he was picking on the client too much.  I agreed.  He really bonded with Chad, which was great.  I would recommend the trip for anyone looking for a great fishing and social adventure.  You and Aron were perfect hosts.- Bill


If you are interested in joining WBFC at The Fishing Lodge or would like more information on this hosted adventure, please fill out the form below and a WBFC staff member will contact you.  Thank you for your interest.


Worley Bugger Fly Co

- ELLENSBURG, WA 98926 -
- 509-962-2033 -
Worley Bugger Fly Co-